Enhancing your collection with advanced card search techniques

By admin

Are you ready to step into the realm of magic and mystery? It's time to activate the search for magic cards and unlock a world of enchantment. Magic cards have long captivated the imaginations of both young and old, offering a unique gateway into fantastical worlds and unlimited possibilities. **The search for magic cards begins with curiosity and a thirst for adventure**. Whether you're looking to dive into the intricate strategies of competitive gameplay or simply seeking a new way to express your creativity, magic cards have something to offer for everyone. **As you embark on your quest for magic cards, you'll encounter a vast and eclectic array of options**. From dazzling artwork that transports you to otherworldly landscapes to skillful game mechanics that challenge your strategic prowess, each card holds its own unique allure.

• Target player draws a card.

The benefit is searches work for cards across history regardless of when they were first printed, and we don t need to run multiple searches with outdated terms. The benefit is searches work for cards across history regardless of when they were first printed, and we don t need to run multiple searches with outdated terms.

Avtivate the search for magic cards

From dazzling artwork that transports you to otherworldly landscapes to skillful game mechanics that challenge your strategic prowess, each card holds its own unique allure. Whether you're drawn to the mysticism of sorcery cards, the raw power of creature cards, or the subtle manipulation of enchantment cards, the possibilities for exploration and discovery are endless. **Beyond the mere acquisition of magic cards, the true essence of the search lies in the connections and communities that form around this shared passion**.

MTG Advanced Search

Card Kingdom has redesigned its Advanced Search Tool to help you find the cards you really want. As you navigate the site, the tool will remain on the left hand side of the screen to help you drill down to exactly what you are looking for. We've also expanded the capabilities of our search tool, adding new logic that gives you more power to find just the right card for your deck. See the FAQ below for additional information.

Text Searching (Applies to Name, Type, Oracle)

  • All keywords entered are ANDed by default (i.e. "library life" matches "library" and "life", the "and" keyword is optional)
  • The "or" keyword is supported (i.e. "graveyard or battlefield")
  • Use "-" as negative keyword (i.e. "llanowar -elves")
  • Our search is NOT case sensitive, although uppercase letters have special meaning for symbols (see the Oracle Text section below)
  • Keywords are matched against the front of a string, but will match any ending.
    • "phyr" will match Phyrexia, but "rex" will not.
    • A search for li bo will match Lightning Bolt.
    • "tap target" will match the phrase instead of the individual words.
    • ["draw a card" control or return] will show all cards with the phrase "draw a card" and either control or return.

    Card Color

    Select the check boxes beneath any combination of colors you would like to search for. By default, the search will match exact results. That means that if you check the check boxes for the blue and black mana symbols and then apply your search you will see all multicolored cards that are exactly blue and black. To see mono-colored cards alongside those results, you will need to check the "Include mono cards" check box and re-apply your search.

    Selecting an "Include #-color cards" check box with a value greater than the amount of colors selected will return results with the selected amount of colors that include all selected colors plus any additional colors that match the selected #-color value. For example, checking both the blue and black mana symbol check boxes along with the "Include 3-color cards" checkbox will return results that match UB and an additional color, i.e. UBR or UBG.

    Selecting an "Include #-color cards" check box with a value lesser than the amount of colors selected will return results that match a combination of any selected colors. For example, checking the blue, black and green mana symbol check boxes along with the "Include 2-color cards" checkbox will return results that match card color combinations of UB, UG, BG, etc. Any or all of the checkboxes can be used together to perform even more specific searches.

    Color Identity

    Select the check boxes of the colors of the Commander deck you are building. A card's color identity is its card color plus the color of any mana symbols in the card's rules text. Note that basic land types (plains, island, swamp, mountain, forest) are included in the color identity, however basic land words in the text are not included in the color identity. Both colors of hybrid mana symbols contribute to color identify as well as both sides of split or double-sided cards. Cards that have any colors in their color identity which are not shared with the Commander of the deck will be excluded from the search. Currently banned cards are not excluded from the search.

    Card Type

    The type field searches everything on a Magic card's type line. For instance, if a card has the type line "Legendary Creature - Dinosaur", checking Legendary, Creature, or typing the word "Dinosaur" into the text box will return that card in your search results. You can also type any of those words into the text box. If you type two words into the text field the search will show results that match both words unless you type the word "or" between them.

    Oracle Text

    When you type text into this box, the search will produce results matching each word you type in unless you also type the word "or" between them. Any keywords you type in will be highlighted yellow in the results. We've also added methods of searching symbols and modifiers in card the card text - see below for a guide:

    • The following symbols are searchable using the following upper-case letters or numerals:
      • B - Black Mana
      • U - Blue Mana
      • G - Green Mana
      • R - Red Mana
      • W - White Mana
      • X - X Mana of any color
      • 1 - 1 Mana of any color (0-9 mana operate likewise)
      • # - Match any digit 0-9 , , .
      • T - Tap Symbol
      • Q - Untap Symbol
      • Mana symbols may be entered in any order and will be corrected by the search engine.
      • WU will match , but not .
      • 1G will match
      • 1G T will match and
      • 1/1
      • 2/2
      • +1/+1
      • -X/-X
      • +2/+# (matches +2/+1, +2/+2, +2/+3, etc. The # symbol will match any single-digit number 0-9.)

      Mana Production

      Check each of the colors you would like the card you are searching for to produce, then select from the dropdown box whether you would like to search for cards that produce ANY of, ALL of, or EXACTLY the colors you selected. If you select ANY, then cards that produce ANY number of the selected colors will appear. If you select ALL, only cards that produce each of the selected colors will appear. If you want cards that produce each of the colors you have selected and no other colors, then select EXACTLY from the drop box.

      Avtivate the search for magic cards

      Meet fellow enthusiasts at local game shops, engage in thrilling tournaments and events, or simply bond with friends over a friendly game in the comfort of your own living room. Magic cards have a way of bringing people together, fostering friendships and camaraderie through a shared love for the mystical and arcane. **So, what are you waiting for? Activate the search for magic cards and embark on an adventure like no other**. Immerse yourself in a world of excitement and wonder, where spells are cast, creatures clash, and legends are born. Let your imagination run wild as you unlock the potential hidden within each card. Whether you seek the thrill of competition or the joy of creativity, magic cards are a gateway to a realm where anything is possible. Begin your quest today and let the magic unfold before your eyes..

      Reviews for "The ultimate magic card finding guide for beginners"

      1. Sara - 2/5
      As a fan of magic cards, I was excited to play "Activate the search for magic cards". However, I was left disappointed with the overall experience. The gameplay was lackluster and repetitive, with not much strategy involved. The graphics were also subpar, making it hard to fully enjoy the game. Additionally, the controls were frustrating and difficult to navigate. Overall, I do not recommend this game to fellow magic card enthusiasts.
      2. John - 1/5
      I had high hopes for "Activate the search for magic cards" but was ultimately let down. The game lacked content and variety, making it incredibly boring to play. The storyline was also weak and did not engage me at all. The overall concept of the game was interesting, but the execution fell flat. I also encountered several bugs and glitches that further hindered my experience. In conclusion, this game was a major disappointment and I would not recommend it.
      3. Anna - 2/5
      "Activate the search for magic cards" had potential but failed to deliver. The gameplay was slow and tedious, making it hard to stay engaged. The storyline was confusing and poorly developed, leaving me feeling disconnected from the game. The graphics and sound effects were underwhelming and did little to enhance the overall experience. While I appreciate the effort put into this game, it did not live up to my expectations and I would not play it again.

      Exploring the world of mystery and magic cards

      Journey into the realms of magic card searching

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