The Cursed Ring: A Journey into the Unknown

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The cursed ring is said to possess a charm that entices and captivates its wearers, drawing them in with its mysterious allure. Legends surrounding these cursed rings vary, but one theme remains consistent: once the ring is donned, its magic takes hold, often leading to disastrous consequences. It is through this enchanting power that the cursed ring leaves a lasting impression on those who encounter it. The charm of the cursed ring lies in its ability to tempt even the most rational of individuals. Encrusted with precious gemstones and intricately carved with symbols of ancient power, the ring exudes an undeniable beauty that is impossible to ignore. Its allure is further heightened by the tales of legendary figures who have fallen victim to its enchantment, as well as the whispered promises of untold wealth and power that it is said to bestow upon its wearer.

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Legend of Magus Hand Axe Fan Weekly Farm Companion Farm Master Make a Magic Cane Jewelery Workshop Head Coordination Neck Accentuation Lab Book Ultimate Lab Book It s Hot. If you still have his soul jar after acquiring the Captain s Charismatic Coat , when speaking to the Captain after acquiring the last piece of the set you ll have the option to pass a Wits check to trade him his soul jar to avoid fighting him.

Charm of the cursed ring

Its allure is further heightened by the tales of legendary figures who have fallen victim to its enchantment, as well as the whispered promises of untold wealth and power that it is said to bestow upon its wearer. Once the cursed ring is worn, its charm becomes more evident. The wearer is inexplicably drawn to keep the ring in their possession, unable to part with it despite its malevolent influence.

Threads of a Curse | Divinity Original Sin 2 Wiki

Threads of a Curse is a Quest in Divinity: Original Sin II. Short description goes here.

Important NPCs

  • Captain Sech Zapor

Threads of a Curse Objectives

  1. Discover where the skeletal arm is leading you
  2. Find out what skeletal arm wants

Threads of a Curse Walkthrough

At around X:362, Y:81 of Fort Joy, there's an odd skeleton arm. You can pull it up after successful persuasion (Strength or finesse), no matter how you throw it, it keeps pointing to one direction.

You can find a cursed crate at around X:535, Y: 23. Interact with the ring around the chest, then use Bless on the ring to deactivate the curse, you will then meet Captain Sech Zapor. You must have Persuasion 3 to avoid attacking him. Otherwise, he will spawn several level 6 Black Flag enemies. If you have his soul jar (loot from The Vault of Braccus Rex), you can trade it for his coat (Captain's Charismatic Coat). You can also find a note called "Captain's Tattered Log" in that crate, which contains the password to the door of his secret cave.

Captain's Soul Jar can be found in quest The Vault of Braccus Rex (Dark Cavern).

Northeast of the dragon beach, there's a new cave. You will need a code to unlock the door inside it. The Captain's Jaunty Hat is inside the cabin.

The last piece of the Captain Armour set (Captain's Dexterous Heels) can be found in a buried chest near X608, Y239. If Captain Sech Zapor is still alive, he will also appear and attack you. Finish him and his crew to complete the armour set. (Use lockpick to open it)

Tips & Tricks

  • Set Bonus: The Captain's capricious mastery is restored with a complete set, boosting the armour's level to 8. An aura of fiery charm surrounds the wearer.
  • Captain Armour Set stats & descriptions: here
  • If you chose to trade his soul jar for his coat, it is possible to pickpocket it while he talks to one of your Characters after digging out the chest.
  • If you still have his soul jar after acquiring the (Captain's Charismatic Coat), when speaking to the Captain after acquiring the last piece of the set you'll have the option to pass a Wits check to trade him his soul jar to avoid fighting him. He can be pickpocketed by one of your companions during your conversation to get the soul jar back.
  • If the Seekers are already at the camp you can teleport one of the enemies into it to get additional help.
  • .
Captain's Soul Jar can be found in quest The Vault of Braccus Rex (Dark Cavern).
  1. Discover where the skeletal arm is leading you
  2. Find out what skeletal arm wants

At around X:362, Y:81 of Fort Joy, there's an odd skeleton arm. You can pull it up after successful persuasion (Strength or finesse), no matter how you throw it, it keeps pointing to one direction.

You can find a cursed crate at around X:535, Y: 23. Interact with the ring around the chest, then use Bless on the ring to deactivate the curse, you will then meet Captain Sech Zapor. You must have Persuasion 3 to avoid attacking him. Otherwise, he will spawn several level 6 Black Flag enemies. If you have his soul jar (loot from The Vault of Braccus Rex), you can trade it for his coat (Captain's Charismatic Coat). You can also find a note called "Captain's Tattered Log" in that crate, which contains the password to the door of his secret cave.

Captain's Soul Jar can be found in quest The Vault of Braccus Rex (Dark Cavern).

Northeast of the dragon beach, there's a new cave. You will need a code to unlock the door inside it. The Captain's Jaunty Hat is inside the cabin.

The last piece of the Captain Armour set (Captain's Dexterous Heels) can be found in a buried chest near X608, Y239. If Captain Sech Zapor is still alive, he will also appear and attack you. Finish him and his crew to complete the armour set. (Use lockpick to open it)

Charm of the cursed ring infographics
Charm of the cursed ring

It is this aspect of the cursed ring that sets it apart from other cursed objects; it establishes a deep connection between the wearer and the ring, making it difficult to resist its pull. However, the charm of the cursed ring is deceptive. Beneath its alluring facade lies a dark and dangerous power that brings about calamity and misfortune. Many tales tell of the fates that befall those who fell under the influence of the cursed ring: their lives spiral into chaos, their relationships crumble, and their ambitions turn to dust. The ring's charm is revealed to be a clever ploy, luring its victims into a trap of their own making. In conclusion, the charm of the cursed ring lies in its ability to captivate and enthrall its wearers. Its allure is undeniable, drawing individuals towards its beauty and the promises it whispers. Yet, beneath this charm lies a treacherous power that unleashes chaos and destruction upon those who dare to wear it. The cursed ring serves as a cautionary tale, reminding us of the seductive nature of power and the consequences that can arise from succumbing to its temptations..

Reviews for "The Cursed Ring in Popular Culture"

1. John - 2/5 - I found "Charm of the cursed ring" to be quite disappointing. The story lacked depth and the characters felt one-dimensional. The plot seemed promising at first, but it quickly became predictable and unimaginative. Additionally, the writing style felt amateurish and lacked polish. Overall, I was frustrated by the lack of originality and development in this book.
2. Sara - 3/5 - I had high hopes for "Charm of the cursed ring", but unfortunately, it fell short of my expectations. The pacing of the story was slow and it took too long for anything interesting to happen. The protagonist was also quite problematic - their actions and decisions were often illogical and inconsistent. While the premise was intriguing, the execution left much to be desired. I wanted to enjoy this book, but I found it difficult to connect with the story and characters.
3. Mark - 2/5 - "Charm of the cursed ring" was a struggle for me to get through. The writing was convoluted and confusing, making it difficult to follow the plot. The world-building was also lacking, leaving many aspects of the story unexplained and unresolved. I found myself losing interest in the book quickly and had to force myself to finish it. Overall, I was disappointed by the lackluster storytelling and underdeveloped world of this novel.

Cursed Rings: A Global Phenomenon

The Curse of the Ring: Historical Curses Revisited