From Dragons to Unicorns: A Journey into Mythical Beasts and Creatures

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Mythical beasts and magical creatures have long been a part of human storytelling and folklore. These fantastical beings have captured our imagination and continue to fascinate us to this day. One of the most well-known mythical creatures is the dragon. Dragons are often depicted as large, fire-breathing creatures with scales and wings. They are both feared and revered, often portrayed as wise and powerful. Dragons exist in the legends of cultures from around the world, embodying different meanings and symbols depending on the context.

With magic and mystery in every page, your child can discover:

- Facts behind the myths
- Insights into cultures from around the world and their creation stories
- Stunning full-colour illustrations by Pham Quang Phuc

Enter the enchanting world of mythical creatures and explore the history behind them in this beautifully-illustrated Greek mythology book for children aged 5-9. From narwhal tusks inspiring the legend of unicorns, to dinosaur bones creating rumours of dragons, there is an interesting story behind every magical beast.

Mythical beasts and magical creatures

Dragons exist in the legends of cultures from around the world, embodying different meanings and symbols depending on the context. Another popular mythical creature is the unicorn. Unicorns are often depicted as horse-like creatures with a single horn on their forehead.

The Book of Mythical Beasts and Magical Creatures (Mysteries, Magic and Myth) (Hardcover)

Enter the enchanting world of mythical creatures and explore the history behind them in this beautifully-illustrated Greek mythology book for children aged 5-9. You’ll meet an incredible cast of mind-boggling fictional animals from all around the world. Say hello to Bigfoot in the forests of North America and learn about the Native American traditions that inspired its story. Voyage to Japan to meet kitsune, supernatural nine-tailed foxes that can turn into humans. Then jump onboard an ancient storm-battered ship to learn why mermaids were the last thing a sailor wanted to see! Learn about the societies that spawned these legendary creatures, from Ancient Greece to the indigenous tribes of Australia, and find out what the beasts tell us about the people who created them.

With magic and mystery in every page, your child can discover:

- Facts behind the myths
- Insights into cultures from around the world and their creation stories
- Stunning full-colour illustrations by Pham Quang Phuc

Mythical Beasts and Magical Creatures tells you everything you need to know about supernatural animals great and small. Perfect for fans of Harry Potter and other fantasy tales, this mythology book for children is the only kids’ guide to magical creatures that explores the history behind the mythology in both an engaging and educational way. A must-have volume for children aged 5-9 with an interes in fantasy tale, Mythical Beasts and Magical Creatures is filled with supernatural stories that brings the history of mythology and magical creatures to life, and explores the societies that birthed these legendary creatures found in narratives from Ancient Greek mythology, Australian and Native American folktales.

From narwhal tusks inspiring the legend of unicorns, to dinosaur bones creating rumours of dragons, there is an interesting story behind every magical beast. This beautifully-illustrated fantasy book for kids is wonderful for children who like to delve into enchanting stories and magical creatures.

About the Author

Stephen Krensky has published more than 100 books of fiction and non fiction ncluding The Last Christmas Tree, illustrated by Pascal Campion and the Sydney Taylor Award winning, Hannukah at Valley Forge, illustrated by Greg Harlin. He lives in Lexington, Massachusetts with his wife, Joan.

  • Juvenile Fiction / Legends, Myths, Fables
  • Juvenile Fiction / Animals / Dragons, Unicorns & Mythical
  • Juvenile Fiction / Fantasy & Magic
Enter the enchanting world of mythical creatures and explore the history behind them in this beautifully-illustrated Greek mythology book for children aged 5-9. You’ll meet an incredible cast of mind-boggling fictional animals from all around the world. Say hello to Bigfoot in the forests of North America and learn about the Native American traditions that inspired its story. Voyage to Japan to meet kitsune, supernatural nine-tailed foxes that can turn into humans. Then jump onboard an ancient storm-battered ship to learn why mermaids were the last thing a sailor wanted to see! Learn about the societies that spawned these legendary creatures, from Ancient Greece to the indigenous tribes of Australia, and find out what the beasts tell us about the people who created them.
Mythical beasts and magical creatures

They are seen as symbols of purity and grace, often associated with magic and enchantment. Unicorns have been depicted in various forms of art and literature, captivating our imaginations with their beauty and mystique. Mermaids are another type of mythical creature that has captivated human imagination. These half-human, half-fish creatures are often seen as alluring and seductive. Mermaids are associated with the sea and have been featured in numerous tales and legends, often representing themes of love, danger, and transformation. Other mythical creatures include griffins, centaurs, phoenixes, and werewolves, to name just a few. Each of these creatures possesses unique characteristics and symbolism, adding depth and intrigue to the stories they inhabit. While these mythical beasts may not exist in our reality, they continue to live on in our imaginations and in the stories we tell. They serve as a reflection of our human desires and fears, offering us a glimpse into worlds beyond our own. Through these mythical creatures, we explore themes of power, beauty, love, and the unknown. In conclusion, mythical beasts and magical creatures have played a significant role in human storytelling for centuries. These creatures embody our hopes and fears, captivating us with their mysteries and inspiring our collective imagination. Whether they are dragons, unicorns, or mermaids, these mythical creatures continue to enchant us with their tales..

Reviews for "Unicorns, Griffins, and Chimeras: Mythical Creatures in Art and Architecture"

- Karen - 2 stars - I was really disappointed in "Mythical beasts and magical creatures". The book seemed more like a collection of random facts and descriptions, rather than an in-depth exploration of these creatures. The writing was dry and lacked any sense of excitement or wonder. I was hoping for more illustrations and visuals to accompany the text, but there were only a few scattered throughout. Overall, I found the book to be quite dull and not engaging at all.
- Mike - 1 star - "Mythical beasts and magical creatures" was a complete waste of money. The content was extremely repetitive, with the same information being repeated over and over for each creature. The descriptions were also vague and lacked any substantial details or insights. I expected to learn something new and fascinating about these creatures, but instead, I was left feeling bored and unimpressed. I would not recommend this book to anyone looking for a comprehensive guide on mythical creatures.
- Sarah - 3 stars - While "Mythical beasts and magical creatures" had its moments, I found it to be lacking in-depth information. The book touched on various creatures, but only provided brief descriptions and didn't go into much detail about their origins, abilities, or cultural significance. Additionally, the writing style was quite dry and academic, which made it a bit difficult to stay engaged. I appreciated the beautiful illustrations that accompanied some of the creatures, but overall, I felt that the book fell short in delivering a truly captivating exploration of these mythical beings.

Elusive Beasts: Unraveling the Truth Behind Mythical Creatures

The Role of Mythical Beasts in World Literature