Healing and Self-Discovery with the Occul5 Tarot Deck

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The Occul5 tarot deck is a unique and intriguing set of tarot cards created by artist and designer Dean Driscoll. This deck is unlike traditional tarot decks, as it incorporates modern artwork and imagery inspired by technology, science fiction, and digital culture. The Occul5 deck consists of 78 cards, divided into two main sets - the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana comprises 22 cards, each representing a significant archetype or concept, such as The Fool, The Lovers, The Death, and The World. These cards provide deep insights into major life themes and spiritual lessons. The Minor Arcana consists of 56 cards divided into four suits - Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles.

Before the embers of Lùnastal have even grown cold, I am pleased to offer the latest addition to my growing Tarot enterprise — The Occult Detective Illustrated Tarot Deck.

Before the embers of Lùnastal have even grown cold, I am pleased to offer the latest addition to my growing Tarot enterprise The Occult Detective Illustrated Tarot Deck. The suits of the Minor Arcana are reinterpretations of their classic identifications and feature the same artwork with slight framing differences as found in the Skrá Deck.

Occul5 tarot deck

The Minor Arcana consists of 56 cards divided into four suits - Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles. Each suit corresponds to a specific element and represents different aspects of life, such as passion, emotions, intellect, and material possessions. The Minor Arcana cards provide details and guidance on day-to-day situations and events.


Before the embers of Lùnastal have even grown cold, I am pleased to offer the latest addition to my growing Tarot enterprise — The Occult Detective Illustrated Tarot Deck.

Taking a cue from my short-lived Weirder Tales online serial and even shorter-lived Occult Detective Illustrated comic magazine, I tapped into those past resources and conjured some additional art to create my latest deck experience.

The Occult Detective Illustrated Tarot is a 78 card Tarot Deck featuring characters and themes from my the supernatural fiction.

Utilizing lessons learned creating the Skrá Tarot, the Illustrated Deck is an evocative and creative divination tool.

The 22 cards of the Major Arcana follow the structure of the classic Tarot, with illustrations carefully constructed to not only represent characters and locations from my Liber Monstrorum and Cairnwood Manor book series, but to tap into the recurrent themes and archetypes inherent in the mystical journey of the reader.

The suits of the Minor Arcana are reinterpretations of their classic identifications and feature the same artwork (with slight framing differences) as found in the Skrá Deck. The Court cards, however, are more inline with the Major Arcana, with each card representing an appropriate character from my published works.

All my Tarot Decks are available for purchase through my Etsy store, TheOccultDetective.

My occult detective collection, First Born: Tales of the Liber Monstrorum , and both novels in the Cairnwood Manor series — Shadows Over Somerset and Keepers of the Dead — are available via Amazon and other online retail outlets in both ebook and trade paperback.

Taking a cue from my short-lived Weirder Tales online serial and even shorter-lived Occult Detective Illustrated comic magazine, I tapped into those past resources and conjured some additional art to create my latest deck experience.
Occul5 tarot deck

What sets the Occul5 tarot deck apart is its fusion of ancient symbolism and futuristic aesthetics. The artwork showcases intricate patterns, geometric shapes, bold colors, and digital elements that reflect our modern world. The cards feature striking visuals that are both captivating and thought-provoking. Using the Occul5 tarot deck can provide a fresh perspective on traditional tarot readings. The deck encourages exploration and introspection, allowing users to tap into their intuition and higher consciousness. The imagery and symbolism resonate with individuals who have an affinity for science fiction, technology, and the metaphysical. The Occul5 tarot deck can be used for personal reflection, meditation, divination, and self-discovery. It allows users to gain insights into their strengths, weaknesses, and potential future paths. The striking visuals and unique symbolism of the cards create a captivating and immersive experience. Overall, the Occul5 tarot deck is an innovative and visually stunning interpretation of the traditional tarot. It bridges the gap between ancient wisdom and modern aesthetics, appealing to individuals who are looking for a contemporary twist on a timeless practice. Whether you are a tarot enthusiast or simply drawn to its captivating imagery, the Occul5 tarot deck offers a fresh and insightful approach to self-reflection and spiritual exploration..

Reviews for "Exploring Alternative Uses for the Occul5 Tarot Deck"

1. Emily - 2/5
The Occul5 tarot deck was a huge disappointment for me. First of all, the artwork is extremely dark and gloomy, which made it very difficult to connect with the cards and interpret their meanings. Additionally, the symbolism used in this deck is quite confusing and doesn't align well with traditional tarot symbolism. I found myself constantly having to refer back to the guidebook to understand the intended meaning of each card, which took away from the intuitive nature of tarot reading. Overall, I would not recommend the Occul5 tarot deck to beginners or those looking for a more uplifting and accessible tarot deck.
2. Mike - 3/5
I had high hopes for the Occul5 tarot deck, but unfortunately, it fell short of my expectations. The artwork is undeniably beautiful, with intricate details and captivating imagery. However, the size of the cards is quite large, making it difficult to shuffle and handle the deck comfortably. Additionally, the cardstock used is flimsy, which means that the cards can easily get damaged with regular use. Although I appreciate the unique and edgy concept of this deck, its practicality and durability leave a lot to be desired.
3. Charlotte - 2/5
As an avid tarot reader, I was excited to try out the Occul5 tarot deck, but it ended up being a letdown. The cardstock quality is mediocre at best, with thin and easily bendable cards that don't hold up well over time. Furthermore, the guidebook included with the deck lacks depth and clarity in its explanations, making it difficult to fully grasp the meanings of each card. While the artwork is intriguing and different, the lack of practicality and limited guidance make this deck more suitable for collectors rather than serious tarot enthusiasts.

Tarot and Astrology: Using the Occul5 Deck for Celestial Guidance

The Occul5 Tarot Deck: A Gateway to the Spirit Realm