The Magic of Choice: Exploring the Power of Decision Making

By admin

Magic has always been a subject of fascination for humans since ancient times. It represents a mystical and inexplicable power that seemingly defies the laws of nature. The choice to delve into the world of magic is a decision that many individuals have pondered over centuries. Some may argue that the choice to embrace magic is driven by a desire for power and control. The idea of being able to manipulate the world around us and bend it to our will is undeniably alluring. The prospect of being able to perform incredible feats, such as teleportation or conjuring objects out of thin air, can be enticing to those seeking a sense of empowerment.

"Picking up a Manning book I expected it to be a winner. And once again he hits a homerun. The perfect balance between action and suspense made The Choice of Magic a real pleasure to read. I can't wait to see what he does next."
~Brian D.Anderson, Author of The Godling Chronicles and Dragonvein

The shining glory of the sorcerers burned away the subtlety of wisdom, replacing it with easy power, held only in the hands of the elite a new age built upon the elemental supremacy of aristocrats and the ignorance of the masses. He does grow throughout the book, both literally and figuratively, at the start he s 12 and by the end he s 17, and he does mature a bit which makes him more palatable.

The choice of magic

The prospect of being able to perform incredible feats, such as teleportation or conjuring objects out of thin air, can be enticing to those seeking a sense of empowerment. On the other hand, the choice to practice magic may also stem from a curiosity and thirst for knowledge. Magic is often associated with ancient wisdom and hidden truths, and those who are drawn to its study may be motivated by a desire to uncover the mysteries of the universe.

B|t|B – Book Review – The Choice of Magic by Michael G Manning

**SPOILER WARNING** this review contains spoilers, for review of prose and characters scroll to **Spoilers End**.

Hello my fellow bookworms and page turners, in today’s post I am looking at The Choice of Magic by Michael G Manning, let’s start off by looking at a vague outline of the storyline.

The Choice of Magic is a coming of age hero story. It follows the life and antics of a young man called Will, who lives with his single parent mother, in a small village tucked away along the boarder of two kingdoms. Through a series of events and a near death experience, William ends up in the care of a mysterious cantancerous old Hermit, who William believes to be his Grest Great Grandfather. During this time William learns Bottony, Alchemy, Magic, he even learns of other worlds and races such as the Fae, but most importantly he learns to cook.

Through his training with his great great grandfather we learn that In this world there are different types of mages. Warlocks, who make pacts with demons to get power, Sorcerers who use elementals to gain power, and wizards who use there own magic, which if done incorrectly will drastically shorten their lifespan.

Wizards are now considered to be the weakest of the 3, but that is not how it used to be. Back when their was an order of wizards, and magic was taught the proper way, they were veritble forces of nature. His great great grandfather is just such a wizard, and is the last remainder of the old ways. As he teaches Will in the ways of the adept, he emphasizes the needs to keep the techniques secret and to keep his talents hidden, as practicing magic without a licence can be punishable by death.

We also discover that his great great Grandfather sure can hold a grudge, and harbours the mother of all grudges against sorcerers for something that happened 100’s of years ago.

Then after another series of traumatizing events, the story takes a somewhat unexpected turn and the main character joins the army in order to liberate his village from the clutches of the neighbouring invading forces. His exploits during this time are rewarded by the king, assisting his enrolement into the Wizard College in the capital, which is where our story ends.

**** Soilers End ****

I have to say It’s very rare indeed to find a writer who knows how to complete a long storyline, and then manages to start something completely fresh and new. This book has basically nothing in common with his previous universe, from basic natural principles, to characters, and yet it is just as compelling and enthralling to read.

I found the magic system that he employed intersting, as rather than nurturing and growing the characters source (Turyn), Will spends a good chunk of the story learning to control, manipulate and supress his source. This is in order to take in magic from nature, rather than burning his life energy, which is a fresh take on your typical magic system.

However, to say that The Choice of Magic doesnt have its flaws would be untrue, there are some nagging issues such as the seemingly fluctuating intelegence level of the main character. This is particularly prevelent in some of Williams decision making. There is a fair bit of repetition of information in this story, as if Manning was worried that the reader wouldnt be able to take in all of the information on a first take. The pacing in the story is at times a little too slow, but it sorts itself out by about the half way point.

Overall Manning’s command of storytelling is very strong. This is evident in that he managed to write such a fresh and compelling story, based on the premise of the age old hero trope, with a bit of colourful language thrown in for good measure. Would I reccomend this book? Yes, yes I would, it is compelling, well written, and certainly keeps you on your toes, given some of the more left field decisions that the character makes.

Until Next Time, Read More Books !

Through his training with his great great grandfather we learn that In this world there are different types of mages. Warlocks, who make pacts with demons to get power, Sorcerers who use elementals to gain power, and wizards who use there own magic, which if done incorrectly will drastically shorten their lifespan.
The choice of magic

The pursuit of magic can be seen as a quest for enlightenment and understanding. Furthermore, the choice to embrace magic may also be driven by a deep-seated belief in the existence of a greater reality beyond what can be perceived by our senses. Some individuals may feel a connection to realms unseen and have a yearning to explore and interact with these realms. Magic can provide a means to bridge the gap between the physical and the metaphysical, allowing practitioners to tap into unseen forces and energies. Lastly, the choice to practice magic can also be motivated by a desire for escapism and fantasy. The world of magic is often associated with tales of wonder, where anything is possible. It can be a way to escape the mundane realities of everyday life and enter into a realm of limitless possibilities. For those who feel disillusioned by the limitations of the physical world, magic can offer an alternative reality where dreams can come true. In conclusion, the choice to practice magic is a deeply personal one, influenced by a variety of factors. Whether it is driven by a hunger for power, a thirst for knowledge, a belief in the unseen, or a desire for escapism, magic continues to captivate and intrigue humans. It represents a connection to something beyond the ordinary and offers a glimpse into the limitless potential of the human imagination..

Reviews for "Choosing the Right Path: How to Make the Best Choices in Life"

1. Alex - 2 stars - I was really disappointed with "The Choice of Magic". The plot was confusing and disjointed, jumping around between too many characters and storylines. I found it hard to keep track of what was happening and who I was supposed to care about. The writing style was also not to my taste, with overly flowery descriptions that seemed more like filler than substance. Overall, I just couldn't get into this book and wouldn't recommend it.
2. Sarah - 1 star - I really didn't enjoy "The Choice of Magic" at all. The characters were flat and lacked depth, making it difficult to connect or care about them. The dialogue felt forced and unnatural, making it hard to believe in the interactions between the characters. Additionally, the pacing was incredibly slow, and it felt like nothing of importance was happening for the majority of the book. I struggled to finish it and was left feeling unsatisfied. I would not recommend this book to others.
3. Mark - 2 stars - I had high hopes for "The Choice of Magic" based on the reviews I read, but unfortunately, it fell flat for me. The plot was predictable and lacked any originality, with tropes and clichés being used throughout. The world-building was also lacking, with little explanation of how the magic system worked or why certain elements existed. This left me feeling disconnected from the story and unable to fully immerse myself in the world. Overall, I found this book to be unremarkable and forgettable.
4. Emily - 2.5 stars - "The Choice of Magic" had an interesting premise, but it was poorly executed. The pacing was inconsistent, with some parts dragging on while others felt rushed. The author also relied heavily on exposition rather than showing the reader what was happening, which made it hard to really get invested in the story. Additionally, the main character felt one-dimensional and lacked any real growth or development throughout the book. I was left feeling underwhelmed and wouldn't recommend this book.

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