The Dance of Disarray: How to Make the Most of Wild Magic as a Barbarian

By admin

A wild magic barbarian, also known as a wild magic barb, is a unique subclass in the popular role-playing game Dungeons and Dragons. This subclass combines the brute strength and primal rage of a barbarian with unpredictable and chaotic magic. The main idea is that these barbarians have a special connection to the chaotic forces of the world, enabling them to tap into and channel wild magic during combat. The wild magic barb's key feature is their Wild Surge ability, which triggers randomly whenever they enter a rage. When a Wild Surge occurs, the barbarian rolls on a table to determine the effect of the surge. These effects can range from harmless and comical, like colorful sparks shooting from the character's body, to powerful and potentially dangerous, like a fireball exploding around them.

Wild Magic (Barbarian) | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki

Wild Magic is a Subclass of Barbarian in Baldur's Gate 3. Barbarians primary ability is Strength, their saving throw proficiencies are Strength and Constitution, and they have a Hit Dice of 1d12. They have proficiency with Simple Weapons, martial weapons, light Armor, medium armor and shields. (Note this class is unavailable in EA and all info is either data mined or based on DND 5e materials and are subject to change.)

The wild influence of magic has transformed you, suffusing you with an arcane power that churns within you, waiting to be released.


  • Level 1 - Unarmored Defense (Feature)
  • Level 1 - Rage (Bonus Action)
  • Level 2 - Danger Sense (Feature)
  • Level 2 - Reckless Attack (Action)
  • Level 3 - Additional Rage Charge (Class Feature)
  • Level 3 - Pick Subclass (Wildheart, Berserker, Wild Magic)
  • Level 4 - Feat - Choose one from the Feats list
  • Level 5 - Extra Attack (Feature)
  • Level 5 - Fast Movement (Feature)
  • Level 6 - Additional Rage Charge (Class Feature)
  • Level 7 - Feral Instinct (Feature)
  • Level 8 - Feat - Choose one from the Feats list
  • Level 9 - Brutal Critical (Feature)
  • Level 11 - Relentless Rage (Feature)
  • Level 12 - Additional Rage Charge (Class Feature)
  • Level 12 - Feat - Choose one from the Feats list

BG3 Wild Magic Features Progression

  • Level 3 - Rage: Wild Magic (Action)
  • Level 3 - Magic Awareness (Action)
  • Level 6 - Bolstering Magic: Boon (Action)
  • Level 6 - Bolstering Magic: Level 1 Spell Slot (Action)
  • Level 6 - Bolstering Magic: Level 2 Spell Slot (Action)
  • Level 9 - Bolstering Magic: Level 3 Spell Slot (Action)
  • Level 10 - Unstable Backlash (Subclass Feature)

Wild Magic Tips & Builds

  • At level 3, Wild Magic Barbarian learns Rage: Wild Magic, which it is their unique type of rage that may create unexpected surges of wild magic.
  • At level 3, Wild Magic Barbarian learns Magic Awareness which grants anyone within range adds their Proficiency Bonus to Saving Throws against spells.
  • At level 6, Wild Magic Barbarian learns three types of Bolstering Magic. The first one, Bolstering Magic: Boon can be used to increase attack rolls or ability checks by 1d4. The second one and the third one, Bolstering Magic: Level 1 Spell Slot and Bolstering Magic: Level 2 Spell Slot, allow the wild magic barbarian or an ally to recover a level 1 or a level 2 spell slot respectively.
  • At level 9, they learn Bolstering Magic: Level 3, which allows recovering a level 3 spell slot. These abilities, make the Wild Magic Barbarian an ideal pair for spellcasters.
  • At level 10, Wild Magic Barbarians learn Unstable Backlash, that while enraged, when you take damage or fail a saving throw, you trigger another Wild Magic effect that replaces the current one.
  • Notes and tips go here

How to unlock Rage: Wild Magic

Rage: Wild Magic can be unlocked by the following classes:

Rage: Wild Magic Tips & Notes

  • Notes & Tips go here

Wild Magic Surges

Name Wild Magic Effect Duration
Bolt of Light Shoot a Bolt of Light from your chest that Blinds the target for 1 turn and does 1-6 Radiant Damage . 9m range and CON Saving Throw Until End of Rage
Dark Tendrils Shadowy tendrils lash around you, sucking the life from all creatures within 9m dealing 1-12 Necrotic Damage on failed CON Save, and granting you 1-12 temporary hit points. One time trigger
Intangible Spirit You can summon a spectral flumph within 9m of you. The flumph explodes at the end of your turn, dealing 1-6 Force Damage to each creature within 2m on a failed DEX save. Until End of Rage
Magic Retribution Enemies that hit you take 1-6 Force Damage in retaliation. Until End of Rage
Protective Lights You and any allies within 3m of you have a +1 bonus to Armour Class . Until End of Rage
Teleport As a Bonus Action each turn, you can Teleport up to 18m to an unoccupied space you can see. Until End of Rage
Vine Growth The ground within 5m of you is Difficult Terrain for everyone other than you, halving movement speed. Until End of Rage
Weapon Infusion Your equipped weapon deals an additional 1-6 Force Damage and gains the Light and Thrown properties. If Thrown, it immediately reappears in your hand. Until End of Rage
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It's actually not bad since you still get access to all the Barbarian base class goodies. For the most part the surges just mean you get a respectable damage boost early game or a control ability (your barbarian becomes a walking terrain hazard with Vine Growth, or can teleport around). Generally what you want to do is give your Barbarian Enhanced Leap/some other movement advantage to get him/her into the thick of things before raging (many of the surges benefit from being knee-deep in enemies, especially Dark Tendrils).

The unfortunate thing is that none of the damage from the surges seem to scale- if they scaled in damage like cantrips and got an extra die at higher levels then this would be a solid subclass from start to finish.

Path of Wild Magic Barbarian Handbook: DnD 5e Subclass Guide – RPGBOT

Perhaps unsurprisingly given my fondness for making guides for gish builds, when someone in our Discord asked for a Path of Wild Magic Barbarian, I replied “yes, chef.” While that may not make a ton of sense right now as the class itself doesn’t really have magic, it both feels very thematically magical and, as you’ll see in my multiclassing notes, has a really excellent pairing or two that can elevate the experience of playing this wonderful subclass.

Even by itself, it speaks to people who are either not interested in optimizing super hard or who have already done all the optimizing they feel the need to do, and are now just looking for some fun. Having the core identity of the class be based around a feature that is inherently uncontrollable means that, while I can help you optimize by reminding you to keep some things in mind and letting you know what to do in each case, actually piloting this character could result in a very different experience than what I write for no matter how closely you follow it.

But you came here knowing that already, so let’s get started.

These effects can range from harmless and comical, like colorful sparks shooting from the character's body, to powerful and potentially dangerous, like a fireball exploding around them. While the wild magic barb's abilities add an element of randomness and unpredictability to gameplay, they can also be highly advantageous. The surge effects can provide the barbarian with additional benefits, such as temporary hit points, resistance to certain damage types, or even the ability to teleport or fly.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Disclaimer
  • Path of Wild Magic Features
  • Path of Wild Magic Ability Scores
  • Path of Wild Magic Races
  • Path of Wild Magic Feats
  • Path of Wild Magic Weapons
  • Path of Wild Magic Armor
  • Multiclassing
  • Example Build – “Did he just slap me with a giant spork?”
    • Abilities
    • Race
    • Background
    • Skills and Tools
    • Feats
    • Levels
    Wild magic barb

    These surge effects can turn the tide of battle in unexpected ways, adding excitement and variety to the game. However, the wild magic barbs' abilities also come with risks. Some surge effects can be detrimental to the character or their allies, such as causing them to become stunned or inflicted with a debilitating condition. This makes playing a wild magic barb a balancing act between embracing chaos and utilizing it to gain an advantage, while also managing the potential risks of unintended consequences. Overall, the wild magic barb subclass offers a unique and dynamic playstyle for players who enjoy embracing randomness and unpredictability. With their wild surges and the powerful combination of magic and brute strength, these barbarians bring an exciting and chaotic element to the game, offering a fresh and unpredictable experience for both the player and their party..

    Reviews for "Mind over Magic: Techniques for Controlling Wild Magic Surges as a Barbarian"

    1. Jennifer - 2/5 stars - I was really disappointed with Wild Magic Bar. The storyline was weak and cliché, and the characters were flat and uninteresting. The main protagonist lacked depth and her actions felt forced and unrealistic. Additionally, the writing style was confusing and lacked coherence. Overall, I found the book to be lacking in originality and engaging content.
    2. Michael - 1/5 stars - I couldn't even finish Wild Magic Bar. The pacing was incredibly slow and nothing seemed to happen for the majority of the book. The magical elements were poorly explained and felt out of place within the story. The dialogue was stilted and unnatural, making it hard to get invested in the characters. I was bored and uninterested throughout, and I would not recommend this book to anyone.
    3. Sarah - 2/5 stars - I had high hopes for Wild Magic Bar, but it fell short of my expectations. The plot was predictable and lacked any surprises or twists. The world-building felt half-hearted, and I never felt fully immersed in the magical realm. The romance subplot was contrived and felt forced. The writing itself was average at best, with simplistic language and lackluster descriptions. Overall, I found this book to be forgettable and unremarkable.

    Troublesome Twists: Problem Solving Tips for Wild Magic Surges as a Barbarian

    The Path of the Unpredictable: Comparing Wild Magic to Other Barbarian Paths