Mercury's Bewitching Beauty: Unveiling the Witch Within

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In ancient folklore, there are tales of witches arising from unexpected places, wielding dark powers and wreaking havoc. One such tale tells of a witch arising from the depths of Mercury, the closest planet to the sun. **This peculiar origin adds an element of intrigue and danger to the witch's character.** Mercury, with its scorching temperatures and barren landscape, is the perfect setting for a witch to unleash her otherworldly abilities. **The intense heat and desolation serve as a metaphor for the witch's own destructive powers.** Just as the planet Mercury is inhospitable and unforgiving, the witch embodies chaos and malevolence.

both genders, the three arrows,

At higher scores she is able to even seize control of whatever remote weapons the opponent might have and, in the case of an opposing Gundam, even the suit itself. Both the Lupus Rex and the Calibarn have extremely dangerous and taxing versions of the in-universe piloting systems installed, and utilize both a large, handheld weapon and remote armaments that initially belonged to other Gundam units.

Witch arising from the depths of Mercury

** Just as the planet Mercury is inhospitable and unforgiving, the witch embodies chaos and malevolence. As the witch emerges from the depths of Mercury, she brings with her a wave of darkness and mystery. **Her rare origin makes her an enigma, and her powers are exponentially increased by the energy of the planet.

Archetypal Magic- The Psychopomp

As I'm writing this, the planet Mercury is about to station direct (Mercury stations retrograde about three times a year). It will hang out in a kind of liminal space for a few days before it starts moving forward again. Mercury is my ruling planet (I'm a Gemini rising, to figure out your ruling planet see which planet rules your rising sign) and I've really been embracing my mercurial nature lately. Though it's something we aren't necessarily taught to work with.

Capitalism has taught us to goooo go go, always, and it's a challenge to unwrap the binds of this lesson. Working with the Moon has been a huge tool for me in my efforts to slow down and live cyclically- but Mercury seems to also have some lessons for me. And perhaps for you too.

Mercury, as an archetype, is related to the Greek god Hermes (derived from the Roman, Mercury), channeling, moving through realms, and generally presiding over communication between the otherworld and the material world.

Hermes is a psychopomp. They are one of many psychopomps throughout mythology. But this isn't just a mythological character.

Let me back up- a psychopomp is a “conductor of souls” and is said to guide recently departed souls to the otherworld. They are the bridge between this world and the next. As a Westerner, I immediately think of Hermes or the “Grim Reaper” character with his scythe. But this figure appears throughout history and in many cultural mythologies.

We have Charon who ferries recently departed souls over the river Styx into the underworld (this is the ferryman imagery we see sometimes in art or stories, he requires payment for passage. Often a gold coin under the tongue.) This is also Greek mythology from my understanding which is perhaps why we in the West are so familiar with this image.

Anubis presides over the purification and mummification of the recently departed. This is a dedicated and sacred act. He acts as psychopomp in this way. I've also read (and felt) that Hathor is a guide for the souls who are making their way into the afterlife. Both of these deities come from Egyptian mythology.

One of the primary archangels from Muslim traditions is Azrail who watches over a sacred tree in paradise. When someone is born, a new leaf grows. When it is time for them to pass, the leaf falls from the tree and Azrail comes to collect their soul.

But these messengers don't just come in the form of deities. We often hear cultural stories of bees, birds, and dolphins acting as messengers from the otherworld. They may guide us in our crossing or bring us messages from our ancestors or beloved dead.

Something that isn't explicitly stated in a lot of texts (or I just haven't found this yet, and if you have please send it on over!) is that, not only are these archetypes the ones that cross the dead into the underworld- but they are the conductor of souls into this world as well. It's all the same realm. I felt this very deeply when I was actively doing birthwork. Those that guide the souls out are also the ones that guide the souls in.

Which brings me to embodying these archetypes. Deathworkers, birthworkers, dreamwalkers, and spirit workers all fall under the category of psychopomp in my mind. These are all real world embodiments of this archetype.

A psychopomp is someone who walks between realms. A psychopomp is a mediator between the conscious and the subconscious (something Jung has written about). This figure exists in our modern world and in our day to day.

Bringing it back to Mercury- there is an opportunity to work with the energy of this planet or this archetype to start exploring your own psychopompic depths. In order to do this work or understand this archetype, we need regular periods of withdrawal. Regular periods of going under, going deep, stealing away. In this, I'm also describing the planet's retrograde patterns. When do you need to retrograde? When do you need to go underground?

In feeling in to this archetype, I'm also thinking about tarot (which I read as a series of archetypes we all hold within us). The Death card and The Hermit come to mind for sure, but so does The Fool. The Fool is ether, spirit, and exists in the in-betweens. The Fool is the bridge between one card to the next. The Fool is everywhere and always right around the corner. They absolutely feel mercurial and carry a certain amount of trickster energy to them. Is this an energy you're familiar with? What does it feel like for you?

I also think about the 8 of cups- this card features a cloaked character turning their back on what they've known- in the form of 8 neatly lined up cups- in search of something unknown. They appear to me to be walking into the in-between. Perhaps into unconscious depths. Or maybe into the otherworld or the dreaming.

Here are some reflection questions for you if you'd like to explore this archetype within yourself and within your world.

Do you have a dream practice? How do you dream?

How do you appear in other people's dreams?

Do you have any cultural birth or death practices that feel like they fall under the realm of the psychopomp? What are they?

What are your ancestral or lineage traditions around death and birth?

How do you connect with your ancestors, or guides, or God?

What is your relationship to your subconscious? To the emotions woven throughout your body? To the otherworld?

When do you give yourself time to steal away? Is there a pattern to this?

I'll leave you with a poem written by Leonora Carrington when she worked with Octavio Paz on a stage play called “La Fille de Rappaccini” (based off of a Nathaniel Hawthorn short story- Rappaccini’s Daughter).

It feels very much to me like a poem or a prayer or an evocation to/for the psychopomp.

"My name does not matter

neither my origin

in reality I have no name

I am not man or woman

yesterday or tomorrow

both genders, the three arrows,

the four ages, and the four cardinal directions

converge and dissolve on me"

If this piece resonated with you, I'd love to hear from you! Send me an email if you'd like to be in further communication about this theme.

Sending you warmth and safety.

Stevie Joy Leigh

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Witch arising from the depths of mercury

** The witch's dark sorcery is said to be fueled by the heat and magnetic fields of Mercury, giving her an almost limitless source of power. With her newfound strength, the witch wreaks havoc wherever she goes. **She is a force to be reckoned with, leaving destruction and despair in her wake.** The people fear her, and tales of her wickedness spread far and wide. Yet, there are some who seek to harness her powers for their own gain, willing to risk everything to control the witch. The witch from the depths of Mercury symbolizes the dangers of unchecked power. **Her unusual origin is a reminder that evil can arise from unexpected places**, catching humanity off-guard. It serves as a cautionary tale, urging society to remain vigilant and mindful of those who may wield dark powers. In conclusion, the tale of the witch arising from the depths of Mercury is a captivating and bewitching story. **Her origin from the planet Mercury adds an element of intrigue and danger to her character, making her a truly menacing force.** The story serves as a reminder to be wary of those who possess unchecked power and serves as a cautionary tale for society..

Reviews for "Sorcery at the Core of Mercury: The Witch's Origin Story"

1. John - 2/5 - While I appreciate the creativity of the concept, "Witch arising from the depths of mercury" failed to live up to its potential. The plot felt disjointed, with too many subplots being introduced and not enough development given to any of them. The characters also fell flat for me, lacking depth and failing to elicit any emotional connection. Overall, I was left feeling unsatisfied and disconnected from the story.
2. Emily - 3/5 - "Witch arising from the depths of mercury" had a unique premise that initially intrigued me. However, I found the execution to be lacking. The writing style was overly descriptive, often bogging down the pace and making it difficult to immerse myself in the story. Additionally, the world-building felt incomplete, leaving me with more questions than answers. While there were some engaging moments, overall, I felt the book fell short of its potential.
3. Daniel - 2/5 - I had high hopes for "Witch arising from the depths of mercury," but unfortunately, it didn't live up to my expectations. The plot was convoluted and confusing, making it difficult to follow the story. The dialogue felt unnatural and forced, which made it hard to connect with the characters. Additionally, the pacing was slow, and the action scenes lacked intensity. Overall, I found the book to be a disappointment and struggled to finish it.
4. Sarah - 1/5 - "Witch arising from the depths of mercury" was one of the most disappointing books I've read in a long time. The writing was shallow and lacked depth, leaving the characters feeling one-dimensional and unrelatable. The plot was predictable and cliché, offering no surprises or originality. I found myself skimming through pages, desperate for something interesting to happen, but it never did. I would not recommend this book to anyone looking for a captivating read.
5. Michael - 2/5 - "Witch arising from the depths of mercury" had a promising concept, but it failed to deliver. The writing style was dull and monotonous, making it difficult to engage with the story. The characters lacked development and clear motivations, leaving me feeling disconnected from their journey. Additionally, the pacing was uneven, with long stretches of inaction followed by rushed and underwhelming climaxes. Overall, I was disappointed by this book and wouldn't recommend it to others.

Mercury's Witchcraft: Unlocking the Past and Future of Earth's Closest Neighbor

Unearthing the Secrets of Mercury's Witch