Silenced Voices: Revisiting Witch Hunts in a Netflix Documentary

By admin

There is a captivating witch hunt documentary currently available for streaming on Netflix. The film delves into the history of the witch trials in Salem, Massachusetts, as well as their broader social and cultural implications. Through a combination of expert interviews, historical reenactments, and archival footage, the documentary takes viewers on a compelling journey to uncover the motivations behind the witch hunts and the devastating consequences they had on innocent lives. The main **emphasis** of the film is on shedding light on the hysteria and paranoia that fueled the persecution of individuals accused of witchcraft, ultimately leading to a tragic chapter in American history. By examining the trials through a contemporary lens, the documentary prompts viewers to reflect on the dangers of unchecked suspicion, bigotry, and the manipulation of fear for personal gain. Overall, the witch hunt documentary on Netflix serves as a chilling reminder of the darkness that can arise from mass hysteria and the importance of upholding justice and fairness in society.

Distant is in the bottom two, I think. But in some niche builds, it works great. Distant GFB or Distant BB works well, for example. It's also good to use for touch spells. Familiars can get killed easily in an AoE, losing all ability to cast touch spells at a distance.

But after King Fergus saw Elinor s torn dress and the bear in the castle, he locked his daughter in the tapestry room to keep her safe, while he and the lords went to kill it. It can even fit into the strategy A recurring magical nemesis may study the party and as a result try to trick the sorcerer into using their 9th-level spells in battle the day before they attack, and the sorcerer may have to take that into account if they are planning or expecting an even bigger battle the next morning day.

Prolonging the spell cake

Overall, the witch hunt documentary on Netflix serves as a chilling reminder of the darkness that can arise from mass hysteria and the importance of upholding justice and fairness in society..

Thread: Extend Spell: Still the worst metamagic?

Among the 8 metamagics that exist, it is widely regarded that Extend Spell is the worst one. The reason is that it requires a spell that lasts at least 1 minute, and any spell that lasts 1 minute probably doesn't need to last 2 minutes instead. Combat usually ends before the 10th round.

However, with the advent of the Divine Soul, the Sorcerer now gets Cleric spells. There are some long lasting buffs from that list that are worth doubling as they will then last beyond the duration of a long rest. You can even cast these spells as part of a long rest, just before your spells replenish (for example, during your shift on the watch).

Here's a list of spells that, when Extended, can extend past a long rest. The benefit of this is that you will still have the buffs the next day and have the spell slots you used to cast them.

Mage Armor (1st). This was always in the Sorcerer's list, but it did not justify picking up Extend by itself. Lasts 16 hours Extended.

Armor of Agathys (1st). This was always on the cards for Sorlocks, but Extending it gives it only a 2 hour duration. However, Catnap gives you 1 hour and 50 minutes with an upcast Armor of Agathys, giving you more time on this.

Aid (2nd). It increases your max HP by 5 at 2nd level, and 5 more for each level cast above 3rd. Can target 3 creatures. Lasts 16 hours Extended.

Darkvision (2nd). Grants darkvision out to 60ft to one creature who doesn't already have it. Lasts 16 hours Extended.

Death Ward (4th). It gives you the half-orc racial ability to return back to 1 HP after being dropped to 0 HP. Lasts 16 hours Extended.

Those are the only spells I can see are worth Extending (and the list is growing as more uses are coming to light). Are they enough to justify bumping up the metamagic's power level? Are there other spells worth Extending in a functional build?

Last edited by LeonBH; 2018-02-01 at 10:33 PM .
Dwarf in the Playground Join Date Nov 2017
Witch hunt documentary on netflix


Reviews for "Surviving Witch Hunts: Tales of Resilience in a Netflix Documentary"

1. John Doe - 2 stars: This documentary was hyped up to be an eye-opening expose on witch hunts, but it fell flat for me. Firstly, the pacing was incredibly slow and it felt like nothing really happened for the majority of the film. Secondly, the filmmaker's biased perspective was evident throughout, which made it difficult to trust the information presented. I was hoping for a more balanced and thorough examination of the topic, but unfortunately, "Witch Hunt" missed the mark for me.
2. Emily Smith - 1 star: I was highly disappointed with this documentary on Netflix. It lacked depth and failed to provide any meaningful insights into the topic of witch hunts. The production quality was subpar, and it felt like a rushed attempt to capitalize on a popular theme. Additionally, the interviews with supposed experts lacked credibility and didn't add any value to the film. Overall, "Witch Hunt" failed to deliver a compelling narrative and left me feeling unsatisfied.
3. Sarah Thompson - 2.5 stars: Although I appreciate the attempt to shed light on the history of witch hunts, this documentary lacked substance. The information presented was basic and didn't offer any new perspectives. The filmmakers seemed more focused on creating a sensationalized narrative instead of providing a comprehensive analysis. Overall, "Witch Hunt" missed an opportunity to truly educate and engage its audience on this important historical topic.
4. Michael Johnson - 2 stars: "Witch Hunt" had potential, but it fell short in execution. The documentary seemed more interested in shock value and superficial storytelling rather than delving into the complexities of witch hunts. The overuse of reenactments and dramatic music cheapened the overall experience. I was left wanting more in-depth analysis and a better exploration of the social and cultural aspects surrounding witch hunts. Unfortunately, this documentary failed to meet my expectations.
5. Jessica Martinez - 1.5 stars: I found "Witch Hunt" to be a disappointment. The documentary lacked coherence and failed to provide a clear narrative. The information presented was disjointed, and it seemed like the filmmakers struggled to tie it all together. The lack of expert interviews or different perspectives made the whole documentary feel one-sided. Overall, "Witch Hunt" lacked depth and failed to offer a compelling exploration of the topic.

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