Why Every Witch Needs a 'Witch Please' Novelty Mug

By admin

The "Witch please" novelty mug is a fun and sassy mug that is perfect for any witch lover or Halloween enthusiast. This mug features a bold and eye-catching design with the words "Witch please" written on the front in a playful font. The mug is made from high-quality ceramic and has a sturdy handle, making it durable and easy to hold. With a capacity of 11 ounces, this mug is the perfect size for enjoying a hot cup of coffee, tea, or hot chocolate. Whether you are a witch lover or just looking for a unique and fun gift, the "Witch please" novelty mug is sure to be a hit..

Nagic link sdm


Resep Nasi Kuning Magic Com Enak dan Mudah

LINK UMKM - Membuat nasi kuning kini sudah bisa pakai banyak cara. Tanpa perlu kukusan atau peralatan tertentu, bikin nasi kuning bisa pakai magic com. Membuat nasi kuning dengan magic com juga cocok buat anak kos. Alternatif bagi kamu yang tidak memiliki banyak alat masak. Tetap enak, pulen, simpel, dan tidak membutuhkan aneka rempah.

Nah, langsung saja simak resep nasi kuning yang dilasnir dari kompas.com berikut ini :

  • 1 liter beras/4-5 mangkok takar
  • 3 buah sosis ukuran besar/2sdm kornet sapi
  • 2 siung bawang putih cincang halus
  • 1/2 sdt kunyit bubuk
  • 3 jumput lada bubuk
  • 1/2 sdt garam
  • 1/2 sdt kaldu bubuk
  • 1 sdm minyak sayur

Bahan pelengkap 1 : telur dadar

  • 3 butir telur
  • 1 sdm terigu
  • 2 sdm air
  • 1 jumput lada bubuk dan garam

Bahan pelengkap 2 : orek tempe

  • 1/2 tempe
  • 2 siung bawang putih
  • 3 siung bawang merah
  • 2 sdm Kecap manis
  • 1/2 sdt kaldu bubuk
  • Sejumput garam dan lada bubuk
  • Secukupnya minyak utk menggoreng
  1. Cuci beras hingga bersih, siapkan dalam magic com dan masukkan semua bahan utama. Masak hingga matang. Setelah matang aduk rata, supaya semua bahan tercampur rata. Tutup magic com, biarkan sekitar 5-10 menit dlm tombol warm
  2. Siapkan dadarnya. Campur semua bahan tambahan 1. Buat dadar tipis2, bikin 2x dadar. Telur dadar matang, gulung, iris tipis-tipis
  3. Tempe orek: iris tipis tempe, goreng stengah kering. Sisihkan
  4. Iris tipis bawang putih bawang merah, tumis hingga harum, masukan kecap, aduk rata, masukan tempe, aduk2. Masukkan bumbu. Koreksi rasa.
  5. Tata nasi kuning menggunakan mangkok cetak. Hias dengan pelengkapnya. Jangan lupa tambahkan bawang goreng, abon sapi dan sambal.

Mudahkan membuat nasi kuning menggunakan magic com, bagi kamu yang sudah mencoba membuat coba tag LinkUMKM ya!

Witch please novelty mug


Reviews for "The Best Novelty Mug for All Witches: 'Witch Please"

1. Emily - 2 stars - I bought the "Witch please novelty mug" thinking it would be a fun and quirky addition to my mug collection. However, I was disappointed with the quality of the mug. The printing on the mug was very faint and not as vibrant as it appeared in the product photos. Additionally, the handle of the mug felt flimsy and cheap. Overall, I felt like I wasted my money on this novelty item.
2. Mike - 1 star - The "Witch please novelty mug" turned out to be a complete disappointment. The mug arrived cracked, despite being packaged properly. The customer service was also unhelpful, as they refused to issue a refund or send a replacement. On top of that, the mug itself was poorly made with sloppy printing and uneven coating. I do not recommend purchasing this product.
3. Sarah - 2 stars - I wasn't impressed with the "Witch please novelty mug" at all. The design, while cute in theory, was poorly executed. The colors were faded and the print was blurry, making it difficult to read the text. Additionally, the ceramic of the mug felt very thin and fragile. It was not worth the price I paid, and I will not be purchasing from this brand again.

Embrace Your Inner Witch with a 'Witch Please' Novelty Mug

Channel Your Inner Witch with a 'Witch Please' Novelty Mug