The Occult Influence in NCIS Cases

By admin

NCIS, also known as the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, is a popular television series that centers around a team of special agents who investigate crimes involving the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps. The show has gained a large following due to its intriguing storylines and captivating characters. While NCIS typically focuses on solving crimes that have a direct connection to naval operations, there have been a few episodes throughout the series that touch on occult themes. These episodes explore supernatural elements such as ghostly apparitions, witchcraft, and rituals.

Occult Holidays, Or, God's Holy Days--which?

evidence in religion of God's direct involvement in the course of humanity.

Shackled by tradition and religious myths, even professing "Christianity"

gropes in a vacuum of ignorance regarding God's true plan for mankind.

Why? Because man has (for the most part, unknowingly) rejected

the key to that plan-the knowledge of the seventh-day Sabbath and holy

days of God. Instead, traditional holidays-including Sunday-have been

adopted and accepted as "Christian."

Declaring the "end from the beginning," the true God of the Bible is

actively involved in the affairs of man, ordering events according to His

master plan as outlined by His Sabbath and feast days. Obviously, Satan the

devil hates God's plan-for it also pictures his ultimate removal as the "god

of this present age."

In what is perhaps one of the greatest conspiracies in the history of

mankind, Satan has devised a cleverly disguised counterfeit "Christianity"

to blind men from the knowledge of God's true plan. Analogous to King

Jeroboam of ancient Israel-who substituted false "feast days" in place of

God's true holy days-Satan has deceptively ensnared an unsuspecting

world into believing that pagan occult holidays are acceptable forms of worship toward God.

In Occult Holidays or God's Holy Days-Which?, Fred R. Coulter

brings to light this satanic conspiracy, uncovering in detail the occult roots

of today's so-called "Christian" holidays-Halloween, Christmas, Easter,

etc.-proving that such holidays are, in reality, a form of Satan worship.

Mr. Coulter demonstrates how God's seven annual holy days form a

type of framework upon which are hung the various aspects of God's plan

as they are fulfilled over time. This publication fully illustrates how God's

seventh-day Sabbath and holy days picture His plan of salvation for all of

mankind, concentrating on the establishment of the Kingdom of God and the

eternal rule of Jesus Christ.

Occult Holidays or God’s Holy Days—Which?

These episodes explore supernatural elements such as ghostly apparitions, witchcraft, and rituals. One notable episode is "Engaged, Part II" from Season 9, where the team investigates a case involving a deceased Marine who is believed to be haunting his fiancée. As the investigation unfolds, the team unravels the mystery behind the alleged supernatural events and uncovers the truth behind the Marine's death.

Part One - Secrets of Halloween and Other Occult Holidays

  • Chapter One - How the “Christian” World Has Been Deceived
  • Chapter Two - The Occult Origins of Halloween, Heathen Gods and Goddesses
  • Chapter Three - Halloween and Orthodox Christendom
  • Chapter Four - Secrets of the Occult Saturate the World Today
  • Chapter Five - The World of Entertainment: Vehicle of the Occult
  • Chapter Six - The Origins of Other Occult Holidays Observed in Christendom
Ncis the occult

Another episode with occult elements is "Witch Hunt" from Season 4. This episode revolves around the murder of a Navy officer who was researching witches and witchcraft. The team delves into the world of paganism and witchcraft as they try to find the killer and understand the motive behind the crime. These episodes provide a departure from the usual procedural format of NCIS, introducing elements of the occult and adding a touch of mystery and suspense to the storyline. While the show primarily deals with crimes grounded in reality, these episodes allow viewers to explore the supernatural and delve into the world of the unknown. Overall, the inclusion of occult themes in NCIS adds an extra layer of intrigue and excitement to the series. It allows viewers to experience different genres within the crime procedural format and keeps them guessing about the outcome of each investigation. Whether one is a fan of the supernatural or not, these episodes provide a different perspective and keep the show fresh and captivating..

Reviews for "Witchcraft and Intrigue: Unraveling Occult Cases in NCIS"

1. John - 1 star
I was extremely disappointed in "NCIS The Occult". The storyline was convoluted and hard to follow, and the acting was subpar. I've been a fan of the original "NCIS" for years, but this spinoff just didn't live up to the expectations. The addition of supernatural elements felt forced and out of place in a show that was originally grounded in reality. Overall, I found "NCIS The Occult" to be a major disappointment and I won't be watching any more episodes.
2. Emily - 2 stars
As a fan of crime procedurals, I was excited to give "NCIS The Occult" a try. Unfortunately, the show failed to captivate me. The characters lacked depth and development, making it hard to invest in their stories. Additionally, the supernatural aspect felt tacked on and unnecessary. The blend of crime-solving and occult elements just didn't work well together for me. While the production quality was decent, it couldn't compensate for the overall shortcomings of the show. I wouldn't recommend "NCIS The Occult" to fans of the original "NCIS" or anyone looking for a compelling crime drama.
3. Samantha - 1 star
I couldn't even finish the first episode of "NCIS The Occult" before I had to turn it off. The premise seemed interesting at first, but the execution was extremely disappointing. The writing was cliché and predictable, with dialogue that felt forced and unnatural. The supernatural elements were poorly integrated into the story and felt like a desperate attempt to add excitement. Overall, "NCIS The Occult" lacked the depth and intrigue that I expect from a crime procedural. I won't be wasting any more time on this show.
4. Robert - 2 stars
As a long-time fan of "NCIS", I was excited to hear about the spinoff "NCIS The Occult". However, the show didn't live up to my expectations. The supernatural elements felt out of place and detracted from the core crime-solving aspect of the show. The characters lacked chemistry and their interactions felt forced. The plotlines were predictable and didn't offer any surprises. Overall, "NCIS The Occult" failed to capture the essence of what made the original show great and I was left disappointed. I won't be tuning in for future episodes.

Magic and Mayhem in NCIS: Occult Connections

Supernatural Suspense: The Occult in NCIS