The Erotic Art of Magical Butt Whacking: Pleasuring and Enchanting Her

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Whack her buttocks with magical impact. In the realm of fantasy literature and magical worlds, the act of sorcery often entails elements of excitement and adventure. It is within this context that we encounter the concept of wielding a magical impact to whack someone's buttocks. While this may seem amusing or even absurd, it serves as a symbol of power and dominance in certain magical narratives. The act of whacking someone's buttocks can be traced back to various folklore and cultural practices, where it is sometimes used as a form of punishment or humiliation. In the realm of magic, however, it takes on a different meaning.

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But the researchers, based in the Netherlands and Japan, spotted a gap in the literature Previous studies included almost all body parts, except the most obvious one, which is the behind. Kesha checked into a rehab facility in Illinois in January 2014, where she sought treatment for an eating disorder after she claimed that music producer Dr.

Whack her buttocks with magical impact

In the realm of magic, however, it takes on a different meaning. When the impact is infused with magical properties, it not only physically smacks the buttocks but also becomes a representation of the caster's enchanting abilities. It signifies their control over supernatural forces and their command over the elements.

Can "Oil of Impact" be used to improve Martial Arts attacks that deal bludgeoning damage?

Oil of Impact: This magical substance is charged with a powerful dweomer which has beneficial effects upon blunt weapons and missiles of all sorts, magical and non-magical. When applied to a blunt weapon such as a club, hammer, or mace, it causes the weapon to both be magical and deliver extra damage. When the oil is applied to a missile, its effect is to make it both magical and very deadly upon impact. Missiles upon which the oil of impact will properly function are hurled hammers, hurled clubs, sling stones, and sling bullets. A flask of this substance will contain from 3-5 applications. Each application will last for 9-12 rounds on a hand-held weapon, but when applied to a missile weapon the substance has but a single "charge." With respect to missiles, however, only a small amount need be used, so that 4-5 sling missiles or 2 larger weapons can be treated with a single application. If the oil is used on a hand-held weapon, its dweomer will bestow + 3 status to the weapon's hit probability and cause + 6 damage on a successful hit. Missiles will be + 3 both "to hit" and to damage.

I'm DMing a game and rolled this item up randomly. It seems like a monk could put this on their fists, gauntlets, feet, or boots, or any character with martial arts that inflict bludgeoning damage. But I'm not sure. Seems like there's been a ruling on this before as a way for older edition monks to hit weapon resistant creatures. We have a monastic OA character who has a staff as well, so they can either wield the stick and make this work, or, if this makes sense, they can use the oil on their fists/palms. Their damage would be the same either way, so its more of an aesthetic ruling, but might be useful later for other purposes.

Follow 21.7k 2 2 gold badges 74 74 silver badges 118 118 bronze badges asked Jun 14, 2019 at 17:43 Tristian Tristian 4,056 1 1 gold badge 12 12 silver badges 35 35 bronze badges \$\endgroup\$

\$\begingroup\$ What's your question? The source of the ruling that the oil can be applied to fists/boots/gauntlets etc? \$\endgroup\$

Much of the headline-grabbing research about chimpanzees, humans’ closest animal relatives, is framed in terms of how good chimps are at doing things we do. Well, here’s a new finding on something those great apes trounce us at: Recognizing each other’s butts.
Whack her buttocks with magical impact

The magical impact, in this sense, is a display of power and a means of asserting dominance. Moreover, the use of buttocks as a target for magical impact, instead of more conventional targets such as hands or heads, adds a certain comedic and whimsical element to the narrative. It injects a sense of playfulness into the magical world, allowing readers to momentarily escape reality and indulge in the fantastical. However, it is crucial to note the context in which this concept is portrayed. While it may be entertaining within the realm of fantasy literature, attempting to apply such actions in real life would be both inappropriate and disrespectful. Fictional worlds allow for the exploration of ideas and actions that are not acceptable in reality, serving as an outlet for imagination rather than an endorsement of certain behaviors. In conclusion, the notion of whacking someone's buttocks with a magical impact is a fantastical concept that serves to showcase power, dominance, and playfulness in certain magical narratives. It is important to remember the boundaries between fantasy and reality when engaging with such ideas, ensuring that they remain within the realm of imagination rather than being enacted in real life..

Reviews for "The Whack of Wonder: Discovering the Magical Potential on Her Buttocks"

- Sarah - 1/5 - "Whack her buttocks with magical impact" is an incredibly offensive and tasteless game. I was appalled by the concept and the graphic content. The game lacks any substance or meaningful gameplay and promotes violence against women. It's clear that the developers did not take into account the potential harm and perpetuation of harmful stereotypes that this game promotes. I strongly discourage anyone from supporting or engaging with this game.
- John - 2/5 - I found "Whack her buttocks with magical impact" to be a mindless and repetitive game. The gameplay is incredibly shallow and offers no real challenge or satisfaction. The graphics and animations are poorly executed, making it difficult to fully enjoy the game. Additionally, the title of the game itself is objectifying and demeaning towards women. Overall, I was disappointed with this game and would not recommend it to others.
- Emily - 1/5 - "Whack her buttocks with magical impact" is a prime example of everything that is wrong with the gaming industry. It's a disgraceful and degrading game that perpetuates harmful stereotypes and objectifies women. The fact that it even exists is a sad reflection of our society. I strongly urge everyone to avoid this game and instead support games that empower and uplift all players, regardless of their gender. This game is a travesty and does not deserve any attention or support.

Enchanting Her Buttocks: The Spellbinding Effects of Magical Whacking

Delving into the Mysteries of Magical Butt Whacking: Techniques and Insights