Unleashing Your Inner Magician: Experiments with a Donald Trump Voodoo Doll

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A voodoo doll is a small figurine or representation of a person, typically made out of fabric or other materials. These dolls are often associated with the practice of voodoo, a spiritual belief system that originated in West Africa and gained popularity in the Caribbean and southern United States. Voodoo dolls are believed to hold magical powers and are used as a tool for casting spells or performing rituals. The concept behind a voodoo doll is that by manipulating the doll, one can influence the person it represents. This can be done for either positive or negative purposes, depending on the intention of the person performing the ritual. In recent years, there have been reports of a "Donald Trump voodoo doll" being sold and used by individuals who either support or oppose the former President of the United States.

Trump Voodoo Doll Color

Love him or hate him, Donald Trump is a man of the times. Like any other candidate in a contentious election he inspires people to both hope and despair. Here is a version that one can carry with you as both good luck or bad luck in full color.

What's in the box: Trump Voodoo Doll - Color Dimensions: 7.1 x 10.39 x 2.94 cm 2.8 x 4.09 x 1.16 inches Success Rate: First To try. Rating: Mature audiences only. Share Share To List
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In recent years, there have been reports of a "Donald Trump voodoo doll" being sold and used by individuals who either support or oppose the former President of the United States. These dolls are typically designed to resemble Trump, complete with his distinctive hairstyle and suit. For those who oppose Trump, the voodoo doll may be seen as a symbol of protest and a way to express their frustrations.


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Clearwater woman is selling Trump voodoo dolls to benefit local food bank

A few years ago, the sisterhood at Renee Feinman's synagogue donated handmade teddy bears to All Children’s Hospital. The 61-year-old, along with six women from her synagogue, most recently organized a mask-making event for All Children’s, which ended up sending 100 masks to the facility’s non-clinical personnel and family members visiting.

As Feinman finished that project, however, she started to think of other ways she could help the community and be productive during this stressful and difficult time.

“I thought of the Trump doll and the food pantries,” Feinman — who’s been teaching science in Pinellas County for 20 years — told Creative Loafing Tampa Bay.

The dolls she’s talking about are handmade, 7-inch voodoo dolls, which she started making after the election in 2016.

“A teacher friend at school had a very ornate one made by her artist sister. I thought it would be a good panacea for those who were unhappy with the election results,” Feinman said. So she created her own design and gave them as a gift to friends, “who enjoyed them, got a chuckle and found them to be a good conversation piece”

Feinman, who’s lived in Clearwater for 38 years, sells the dolls on Etsy for $20.21; each shipment comes with six straight pins. The profit from each sale is $15, and it all goes to Feeding Tampa Bay, which has been tasked with feeding the growing number of locals who now find themselves unsure of where their next meals are coming from.

“When I sell the first 10, I'll send them $150 and hopefully have 10 more voodoo dolls done and ready to load into Etsy so I can continue raising money. The dolls—which involve lots of hand-stitching, machine sewing, ironing on the fact, stuffing and closing—are tough to make, too.

“I can only make so many in a day. I'll make as many as I can and update Etsy as I make them,” Feinman said.

Stress relief, plus a chance to pin a prick and help locals in need. Sounds like a good gift to us.

Photo via ItsaFEINworld/Etsy

This story originally appeared in our sister paper Creative Loafing Tampa Bay.
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Trump Voodoo

I know things seem kinda dark right now, what with a rabid toddler in the White House. It’s like Richie Rich took over, and the rest of the White House staff has to race around cleaning up his messes (not potty trained yet) and providing him with everything he wants, when he wants it, no matter how insane it is. They also have to explain his actions away like “Well he needed his nap” (one of his people actually said he crank called all those foreign leaders because he was “tired”) because they can’t admit that they are really, really bad parents. If any of you have been parents, or have even known a toddler, you realize that these tiny people are not sane. You have to spend most of your time keeping them from killing themselves. With the president, you have to keep him from killing everybody else. Haha, yeah I’m not kidding. He knows nuke codes, you guys. Nuke codes in the hands of a toddler. If that doesn’t scare the crap out of you, I don’t know what does.

Now I’m not saying he’s going to nuke us all, but he COULD, and really that’s like just giving your toddler a box of matches. We don’t know he’s going to burn down the house. Maybe he’ll just eat them. But they are there, and they really, really should not be around a toddler. Like paint chips. I bet there were golden paint chips near the Donald when he was young. Explains so much.

So how do we deal with this? He’s here, he got elected (How? Just how?) and we have to deal with him in a peaceful manner. I found some great products to help us do just that! Click to Enlarge the Fun!

Trump Voodoo Dolls

This made my day so happy!

This is great. It is so great. Really great. A cheeto with pins in it. I laughed and laughed and laughed. A strange part of me actually wanted to buy it from Ebay. But that would have kept this amazing image away from others. It’s a great marketing strategy. Imagine, an entire bag of voodoo dolls, just waiting for you. And when you’re done, you can eat him. Don’t worry, unlike the original, these are not toxic. Oddly enough, no one paid 3 bucks for a cheeto (I was a little surprised by this) but the seller promised me to relist. We had an interesting conversation about Cheeto here. The seller does not like Cheeto (in case the pins didn’t clue you in) and is hoping it goes viral. Do your part to make it so, guys! Here is the link, which is hopefully updated with a relist soon.

Now some of you may be saying, sure Alice, sticking pins in my snack food is fun and all, but it’s not that sturdy. Plus I’m not sure if I’d doing the voodoo right. Don’t we need to have a doll with some pins to make black magic? Never fear, there is an answer for this as well, and it’s also on Ebay. I ordered one for myself and hope to test it soon. The pictures in the advertisement, though, are very informative.

I love how excited the girl is to get this awesome gift.

Yes, that’s right, a genuine voodoo doll, I’m sure of it due to my tireless research (tireless because I did none) . It’s a doll, it looks like Fart (that’s UK for Trump) and you can put a pin anywhere you want. There are so many places. So many. Now I do not advocate actually harming the president, I mean he’ll probably eventually do that himself by ticking off the wrong person. But hey, if you put a pin in his eye, and he happens to get an eye boo boo – that’s hardly your fault. I mean, stuff happens, right? Like the following on the advertisement:

Make sure and get full coverage.

Don’t be afraid to get creative with your torture.

You can always bring your furry friends in on the action.

Speaking of furry friends, it seems a shame to leave them out of all the fun. They can smell stupid, and they want to help their owners out however they can. Or, at least, they really like tearing stuff up. Just like Senor Cheeto! That’s why more marketing gurus, this time on Amazon, came up with this.

Trump Cat Toy

Here, kitty kitty . . .

Cats come runnin’ for the good taste of Trump! Especially when he’s loaded with drugs, er cat nip. You’ll notice that there is a version for cats and dogs (the dog one comes with a squeaker), and also a variety of politicians you can choose for Fluffy. I’m not sure that Hillary Clinton needs anymore punishment, as she lost to Cheeto here, Bill is just tired, and Bernie is stuck questioning Cheeto’s cabinet contenders which would lead anyone to bang his head repeatedly against his desk. That can’t be good for a guy that old. Our Favorite Russian, Putin, is awesome, though.

Communism has never been so hot!

Another great thing about these pet toys is the reviews from creative Amazon customers.

December 5, 2016 Size: Donald Trump | Style: Cat | Verified Purchase

My cat immediately started attacking his hair and trying to rip it to shreds, but the trump toy managed to weather all the attacks and remained president. A fun addition to Sir Nitro Purr’s cat toy collection.

He includes a picture of his cat getting to know Donald.

Thinking this cat was not a Trump voter.

But Alice, you might ask, how can you really know how good these products are without testing them? Well, never fear, for I have both the Trump voodoo doll (the cloth one, not the cheeto though I’d be happy to buy a bag for the sake of research), and the cat toy on order. We don’t have a regular cat, but we do have Hazel the stray cat, who graces us with her presence when she wants food. Sometimes she even acts cute about it, but we all know she’s really evil. Still, I hope she loves the doll as much as the other cat customers must, since it’s on back order at the moment.

Donald Trump SqueezeEZ Big Head Collectible Stress Ball

And finally, last but not least, we all need a way to get rid of stress these days. Ripped off the head of your stress ducky? I did once, and the church ladies’ retreat director gave me a funny look when I said “Look, he’s got a tracheotomy”. Some people have no sense of humor. I got another duck, though. Where was I? Oh, right, next up, the Trump stress ball.

The Great Oz Will See You Now

These kinda scare me, and we’re talking about me here. I haven’t dared buy one yet. Maybe I’ll put some orange fuzz on my stress cow, donated graciously by Thing Two who told me not to rip off its head. Everyone’s a critic. But if you order one of these squeeze heads, you might get lucky and receive the coveted gold head. It’s still filled with air like the others, but special.

That’s all I have for now! When I get my other products, I promise to show my own personal review with the help of Hazel the cat, my Things, and a bunch of sharp stuff. I’m sure they will push me into it, no matter how Sad Pony I get just because the president wants to invade Australia, or whatever. Also look out for Sim Trump. It’s been a while since I wrote my posts on Boppo the Clown (search for Boppo in my search box if you’re extremely bored and hate clowns), but now I have The Sims 4, which allows you a lot more customization on characters. So, for instance you could make one fat with orange hair. Not sure if I can make him orange yet, but I’ll let you now. I can also give him lots of new awful character traits, like insane.

Stay tuned, and if the world gets you down, do that voodoo that you do so well.

Donald trump voodoo doll

By poking or sticking pins into the doll, they may believe that they are causing harm or misfortune to Trump himself. On the other hand, supporters of Trump may use the doll as a form of protection or to send positive energy towards him. It is important to note that voodoo dolls and the practices associated with them are often misunderstood and misrepresented. Voodoo is a complex and diverse spiritual belief system with roots in African religions. While some individuals may use voodoo dolls as a means of harm or revenge, the majority of practitioners focus on healing, protection, and positive energy. In conclusion, the concept of a "Donald Trump voodoo doll" represents the intersection of pop culture, politics, and spirituality. These dolls can be seen as a symbolic expression of individuals' feelings towards Trump and may be used for various purposes. However, it is crucial to approach voodoo and its associated practices with respect and understanding..

Reviews for "The Role of Belief in the Effectiveness of a Donald Trump Voodoo Doll"

1. Samantha - 2 stars - While the Donald Trump voodoo doll may seem like a creative and humorous idea, I found it to be in poor taste. It promotes negativity and encourages people to engage in harmful actions. In a time when we should be focusing on unity and understanding, this doll only adds to the division within our society. I believe that we should use our energy to work towards positive change rather than resorting to such childish and counterproductive methods.
2. Joshua - 1 star - The Donald Trump voodoo doll is a pointless and tasteless product. It does nothing but perpetuate negativity and hatred. This doll represents a complete disregard for respect and empathy towards others, regardless of their political beliefs. Instead of wasting time and money on such absurd products, let's focus on finding common ground and having meaningful discussions to promote understanding and unity.
3. Emily - 2 stars - As someone who believes in promoting respectful dialogue and understanding, I found the Donald Trump voodoo doll to be distasteful. Implying harm or wishing ill upon someone, regardless of political differences, goes against the values of empathy and compassion that we should strive for as human beings. It's disappointing to see such divisive products being marketed, rather than encouraging thoughtful conversations that aim to bridge gaps and build a stronger society.
4. Michael - 1 star - The Donald Trump voodoo doll is a silly and pointless invention. While I don't support Trump and his policies, I believe that resorting to these kinds of products only feeds into a culture of negativity and division. We should be focusing on finding constructive solutions and engaging in respectful discussions, rather than wasting time and energy on products that serve no purpose other than to mock and offend. Let's aspire to be better than this.
5. Olivia - 2 stars - I understand that the Donald Trump voodoo doll may appeal to some as a form of political satire, but I find it to be in poor taste. It perpetuates a culture of dehumanization and harm towards others. Regardless of our political differences, we should strive to approach discussions with respect and empathy, finding common ground rather than indulging in divisive products that contribute to a toxic atmosphere.

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