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Kipper the dog is a beloved children's character who comes to life in the popular magic act. This act showcases Kipper's magical abilities and leaves children and adults alike in awe. The magic act begins with Kipper entering the stage to thunderous applause. With a twinkle in his eye, he starts performing mind-boggling tricks that capture the audience's attention. Kipper can make objects disappear and reappear in unexpected places, leaving everyone wondering how he does it. One of the highlights of Kipper's act is his ability to levitate.

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Three close friends who have never left the outskirts of Dublin much less Ireland get the journey of a lifetime a visit to Lourdes, the picturesque French town and place of miracles. Three close friends who have never left the outskirts of Dublin much less Ireland get the journey of a lifetime a visit to Lourdes, the picturesque French town and place of miracles.

Where to watch the live witch

One of the highlights of Kipper's act is his ability to levitate. He effortlessly floats above the stage, making the audience gasp in amazement. Kipper's levitation act is the perfect combination of mystery and wonder, keeping everyone on the edge of their seats.

The Love Witch

Heartbroken by the death of her husband, a seductive witch moves to a small town and uses spells to make the local men fall in love with her. This delicious horror comedy is an ode to the pulp cinema of the 1960s.

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The Love Witch (Explicit Trailer 1)

2:37 The Love Witch (Explicit Trailer 1)


In addition to his magical abilities, Kipper showcases his comedic side during the act. He incorporates funny antics and playful interactions with the audience, creating a lively and entertaining atmosphere. Children burst into laughter, making the experience even more enjoyable. The magic act wouldn't be complete without Kipper's trusty sidekick, Tiger, who often finds himself involved in Kipper's tricks. Tiger's chaotic nature adds an element of surprise and unpredictability to the act, making it even more captivating. Throughout the performance, Kipper maintains an air of mystery. He never reveals the secrets behind his tricks, leaving the audience with a sense of wonder and intrigue. This is part of what makes Kipper's magic act so enchanting and memorable for children and adults. In conclusion, Kipper the dog's magic act is a delightful experience that combines magic, comedy, and wonder. With his incredible abilities, playful interactions, and a touch of mystery, Kipper leaves a lasting impression on everyone who witnesses his mesmerizing act..

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